In his 3rd form he bears a much more draconic look, horns/spikes along his head & jawline. Head in first two forms is orb-like, bearing a pair of cat ears in the first, & in the 2nd being accompanied with 2-3 additional horns. Strictly limited to 3rd form: Insect summoning/manipulation: Capable of summoning forth giant spiked centipedes that obey his every command. Feline Physiology: Carries attributes/characteristics akin to a cat (given he is now a cat demon). However, unlike in the past, he tends to avoid use of this. His corruption, to date, is the most potent, capable of corrupting even the Treeangle. Corruption: Can corrupt other individuals or environment if they wanted to. *Is also capable of using this to make 2 additional sets of arms for his 1st & 2nd forms 3 if in 3rd form. Can also use it to boost own power or power of weapons or to alter them, etc. Music Manipulation: Capable of generating and/or manipulating music at will, manifesting it into attacks via blasts, sound waves, spiked orb projections, etc. Shapeshifting: Can transition between his first two forms at will, a permanent residual effect of the first time he corrupted himself with the Treeangle piece Prone to jealousy/envy/possessive behaviors Mental Illness(es): PTSD, Depression w/ Psychotic features

However, he can no longer access this form ever again. **Prior to corruption / when he was a “neutral” shape, he used to be 5ft. However, his 3rd form is inaccessible lest he were to corrupt himself with it directly again. *Blixer is capable of shapeshifting between his first & second forms at will, an aftereffect of the corrupt Treeangle piece’s power. >Third form: default - 25 ft can shift between 15-30 ft at will >Second form: default - 15ft can shift between 8-18 ft at will >First form: default - 10ft can shift between 6-12 ft at will Nickname(s): Blix, Boss (rarely uses this nickname now) *Prior to corruption: Lost Forever by Muzzy Transition to 2nd form: New Game by Nitro Fun This is for part of my own AU im slowly going to be revealing on my rp blog on tumblr pandemonicparadise.||ġst form: Long Live the New Fresh by Danimal Cannon